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Welcome to the Magic H2o system video covering products with molecular encapsulation, purchase, and registration.
I hope you will have incredible results like me. Personally, I highly recommend that everyone try the products.
On most pages under the MagicH2o team Frequently Asked Questions websites you will find one or more order buttons.
Press any button and you will be sent to the Order / Registration page. You will see you are shopping with your sponsor’s name in the top left corner. If you selected a customer order you will see “You are shopping as a Customer.” You can purchase as a retail only customer purchasing one or more products with no future commitment.
Click “Add to Cart” to add products to your cart at retail or click “Add to Auto Order” to receive monthly home delivery at discount. The product or products will be added to your shopping cart in the top right corner.
Click the Cart icon to see your current order. This shows the single order at $65 and the discounted order for $50 on monthly home delivery. Click the “Proceed to Checkout” button to register as a customer.
You can now fill out your personal information and create a password. Your password must contain at least one upper and one lower case letter, one number, another character like the $ sign, and contain at least eight characters. Do NOT use an email address or include the @ sign for your password.
Press “Continue to Checkout” to complete your shipping and billing address information. You will be asked to create a username which must NOT be an email address.
If at any point you decide to become a Member so you can share the products and create a commission. You can click the “JOIN” link at the top of most pages before Continuing to checkout.
You will be displayed an enrollment page to verify your sponsor then you must select “Continue to Enrollment”. This will take you to the Member order page. All products are available here but most start membership with a quarterly package to ensure they stay qualified for commissions and have enough product to use and share. Click the Cart icon, check your orders, and click “Proceed to Check Out.”
Fill out your shipping information. On the initial order I always recommend using your physical address to make the system work. You can always change the address for shipping to different addresses for each order. Make sure you choose the proper country dropdown. Under the State dropdown ignore if it says AA Military. This is just a place holder because we are in over seventy countries.
Once you press the “SAVE” button, you will have access to creating your username and password.
Click the “Your Referral Code” button to add your Username and Password. Do NOT use your email for either. Your username can be any numbers and letters; however, it will become part of your referral code so use something you can remember. Your password must contain at least one upper and one lower case letter, one number, another character like the $ sign, and contain at least eight characters.
You can now click the payment button and fill in the form or click the billing and shipping are the same.
NOTE! This is an inside secret. If you want to join for FREE and order the product later, DO NOT add payment card information. Do not add your credit card or bank account. Even though the system required products to proceed, it will sign you up but cannot bill you.
If asked, check the two boxes that say, “I authorize … and I agree …”. We find that sometimes the signup will have an error if these boxes are not checked before selecting your payment.
After checking the boxes click the “Add Payment Method” dropdown arrow then select “Credit Card”.
Fill out the credit card information with no spaces or dashes in the credit card number. Make sure the “Postal Code” is the same as the billing zip for the CREDIT CARD. (Remember, do not do this if you are joining for FREE member. Free members can refer people but cannot get commissions until they are qualified with a minimum $100 order.)
Next click “Submit,” verify, and finish the transaction. Wait a few minutes for it to process. Do not click the back arrow or you could be billed twice. (There may be a blue button that says Process Payment.)
You will now be directed to your back office. (If you joined Free and did not put in credit card information, it will do nothing and keep asking you to put in the credit card, but once you clicked Process Payment, you are in the system. Later you will need to log out and log back in to check that it worked with your username and password.)
In the future, your initial product link to the team frequently asked questions website system will be
If you want to reach your Neumi back office, click the “Order” button in the top left of the team website, then click the little head on the top right of your screen next to join.
This will bring up your Neumi company page with your sign in box. Click “Login
As a final note and highly recommended, when you are ready to sponsor someone, have your Neumi ID handy so you can call the company at the phone number located at the bottom right of the Neumi website. Some people are uncomfortable registering online and this gives you a way to have the company help you register your new customer without stress.
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